Industrial Wastewater
- All Products
- 2-way Angle Seat
- 2-way Globe
- 2/2-way
- Acid Cation Conductivity
- Activated Sludge
- Aluminum
- Ammonia Gas Detector
- Ammonium
- Angle Seat Valves
- Bromine
- Calibration Gas
- Calibration Gas Generator
- Cation Conductivity
- Chemical Feed Pumps
- Chemical Oxygen Demand
- Chemical Pumps (Hazardous Duty)
- Chloride
- Chlorine (Combined)
- Chlorine (Free)
- Chlorine (Residual)
- Chlorine (Total)
- Chlorine Dioxide
- Colour of Water
- Combustible Gas Detector
- Conductivity
- Decentralized Automation
- Degassed Cation Conductivity
- Dewpoint
- Dewpoint (Hazardous Location)
- Diaphragm Valve
- Dichloramine
- Dissolved Hydrogen
- Dissolved Iron
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Dissolved Ozone
- DPD and Reagents
- Explosion Proof Pressure Gauges
- Explosion Proof Temperature Sensors
- Float Level Switches
- Flow Meter (Coriolis)
- Flow Meters (Magnetic)
- Flow Meters (Paddle Wheel)
- Fluoride
- FMI Pumps
- Fuels
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- Globe Valve
- Guided Radar Level
- High Purity Water
- Hydrazine
- Hydrocarbons
- Iodine
- Ion Selective Electrodes
- Level
- Level Measurement
- Low Level Turbidity
- Manganese
- Modular Gas Detector
- Monochloramine
- Multi Parameters
- Nitrate
- Non-Contact Level
- OIl in Water
- Ozone
- Pendulum Level Switches
- pH
- Phosphate
- Pneumatic Valve Units
- Pneumatically operated
- Portable Gas Detector
- Power
- Pressure Gauges
- Pure Water
- Radar Level
- Redox
- Salinity
- Sample Conditioning
- Sensors
- Silica
- Sludge Blanket
- Sodium
- Solenoid valves
- Solenoid valves Hazardous
- Specialty Pumps (Dispensing, OEM)
- Specialty Pumps (Dispensing)
- Specialty Pumps (Metering, OEM)
- Specialty Pumps (Metering)
- Specialty Pumps (Waste Transfer)
- Specific Conductivity
- Specific Resistivity
- Steam Cycle
- Suspended Solids
- Technical Article
- Temperature
- Temperature Sensors
- Total Alkalinity
- Total Conductivity
- Total Dissolved Solids
- Total Hardness
- Total Iron
- Total Organic Carbon
- Toxic Gas Detector
- Trihalomethanes
- Turbidity
- Ultrasonic Level
- Universal Gas Detector
- Water Hardness
- Water Treatment Controller
- Wet Gas Detector
Guided Radar Level measurement interchangeable cable, rod, or coax probes, continuous measurement in various industrial liquid applications.
Radar Level Type 8137 is a non-contact radar level meter designed for continuous level measurement. This unit is available in two variants:
Ultrasonic Level for Continuous Non-Contact Measurement in both open and closed vessels. Suitable for liquids and solids, in all industries.
2-way Globe Control Valve fulfills tough criteria for process environments. Unrivaled cycle life and sealing integrity.
2-way Angle Seat Control Valve meets the stringent demands of process environments. Exceptional durability, unrivaled cycle life.
Diaphragm valve externally controlled Type 2103 consists of a SS pneumatically operated piston actuator, a diaphragm and a 2-way valve body.
Angle seat valve (2100). Specifically optimized for decentralized process automation, meeting the stringent demands of process environments.
Angle seat valve (2100). Specifically optimized for decentralized process automation, meeting the stringent demands of process environments.
Angle seat valve (2100). Specifically optimized for decentralized process automation, meeting the stringent demands of process environments.
Angle seat valve (2100). Specifically optimized for decentralized process automation, meeting the stringent demands of process environments.
Type 2000 Angle seat valve. Externally piloted, operated with a single or double-acting piston actuator. Available in two different materials.
Walchem Water Treatment Controller with powerful built-in algorithms for control of metering pumps and valves from multiple sensor inputs.
pH and Redox (ORP) potential in potable water and effluents. Dual channel monitor for continuous measurement.
Inline Water Pressure Regulator designed to reduce inlet water pressure. Protecting instrumentation from high pressure feed water.
Back Pressure Regulator for a stable sample flow rate to guarantee reliable and accurate measuring results. One to Four Channels
Acid Cation Conductivity in Feedwater, Steam and Condensate. Conductivity after a Cation Exchanger (Acid/Cation Conductivity)
Specific (total) Conductivity for Feed Water. Accurate 4-electrode conductivity sensor, user-friendly transmitter and flow cell.
Specific (total) conductivity for high purity water AMI Powercon Specific Specific (total) conductivity for high purity water. Two-electrode titanium sensor with high precision cell constant,…
Degassed Cation Conductivity Analyzer with gap free continuous measurement of conductivity. Gap free data. Continuous resin regeneration.
Trace Levels of Dissolved Oxygen in High Purity Water. High precision monitor with three electrode for continuous measurement. AMI Oxytrace
Low Level Turbidity Monitor for Pure Water Nephelometric system for the automatic and continuous measurement of turbidity with up to 10 bar.
Colorimetric Free Chlorine Analyzer. Continuous measurement of CL2 and other disinfectants in potable, cooling, hot water loops and effluent.
Degassed Cation Conductivity Analyzer SWAN AMI Deltacon DG The degassed cation conductivity analyzer enables measurement of three conductivity values in water-steam cycles: Specific (total); cation…
Cation Conductivity Analyzer with Automatic Resin Regeneration SWAN AMI CACE Cation Conductivity Analyzer, low-maintenance continuous gap-free measurement of conductivity – delivering reliability, efficiency, productivity and…
Free chlorine analyzer has proven to be an extremely popular instrument with many hundreds of monitors in operation in Canada today. The AMI Trides provides…
Total Chlorine Analyzer AMI Codes-II TC Automatic, continuous measurement of total chlorine in potable water, sanitary water, cooling water and effluent. Call Contact Description Specification…
Combustible Gas Detector system eliminates the need for frequent response checks with ATi’s pioneering AutoTest. This transmitter performs an automatic test using self-generated gas on…
The revolutionary SWAN AMI Turbiwell LED online turbidity analyzer boasts unique features not found in other turbidity analyzers. The non-contact, EPA approved white light LED…
The Hanna Turbidity and Chlorine HI93414 is a high accuracy Handheld analyzer. Combining nephelometer and photometer to measure key parameters in drinking water. calibration and…
Chlorine monitoring system, provides monitoring for several species of disinfectants with one instrument. The instrument can monitor for free chlorine and total chlorine, and can…
Detection of combustible levels of methane or other hydrocarbons % LEL. It may also be used for monitoring CO2 levels, either in ppm or percent…
Complete monitoring system for the automatic, continuous measurement of ortho- phosphate in boiler water, district heating, cooling water and waste water. Measuring range: 0.1 to…
Direct–acting Type 6014 valve for individual or manifold mounting with push–over coil, for use with a variety media depending on the materials of construction. Delivered…
Servo-assisted solenoid valve with diaphragm, normally closed function. Hermetic isolation of fluid from the actuator. A minimum differential pressure of 7 PSI is required to…
The Type 5282 is a pilot-controlled normally closed solenoid valve with a servo-diaphragm, media separated, for universal use with liquid and gaseous media corresponding to…
The Type 6213 is a 2/2–way normally closed solenoid valve with a forced coupled diaphragm system. It switches from 1.5 PSI and can be used…
Nephelometric System for the Automatic and Continuous Measurement of Low Level Turbidity in Pure and Ultra Pure Water (ISO/DIN Standard). Turbidity in pure and ultra…
An electronic transmitter for continuous measurements of dissolved oxygen in high purity water and water steam cycle. The size of the transmitter complies with DIN…
An electronic transmitter for continuous measurements of specific conductivity, concentration of CIP solutions, salinity and TDS in surface water, potable water and cooling water. The…
UVT Monitor – UV Transmittance at 254 nm SWAN AMI SAC 254 UVT Monitor for the continuous measurement of UV transmittance absorption at 254 nm…
Online Phosphate Analyzer AMI Phosphate-II AC Online Phosphate Analyzer using the colorimetric process for the automatic, continuous measurement of phosphate. Call Contact Description Specification Application…
Sample Conditioning for Water Analysis Sample Conditioning Accessories Sampling Equipment for Water Analyzers Call Contact Description Options Downloads To compliment our range of Water Quality…
Online Ozone Analyzer – AMI Codes-II O3 Swan AMI Codes-II O3 Low maintenance monitor for the measurement of trace concentrations down to 1 ppb of…
An electronic transmitter for continuous specific resistivity or specific conductivity measurements in high purity. The size of the transmitter complies with DIN 43700 which allows…
Online Dissolved Hydrogen Analyzer AMI Hydrogen QED Online Analyser for the Continuous Measurement of Dissolved Hydrogen in Water/Steam Cycle Call Contact Description Specification Application Options…
Hydrazine Analyzer (or carbohydrazide) on stainless steel mounting panel. Microprocessor controlled system for the determination and control of hydrazine or carbohydrazide used as boiler feedwater…
Online Fluoride Analyzer Swan AMI ISE Fluoride Complete on-line Fluoride Analysis System for Measurement in Drinking Water Systems. Call Contact Description Specification Application Options Downloads…
Sodium Analyzer for High Purity Water SWAN AMI Sodium P Sodium Analyzer With passive alkalization for samples pH≥7. Designed for continuous monitoring of sodium in…
TOC Analyzer for High Purity Water SWAN AMI LineTOC TOC Analyzer for the continuous measurement of Total Organic Carbon in pure and ultrapure water. Call…
Online Silica Analyzer SWAN AMI Silitrace AC Online Silica Analyzer for the complete monitoring system for the automatic, continuous measurement of silica in water steam…