Specific (total) Conductivity for Feed Water. Accurate 4-electrode conductivity sensor, user-friendly transmitter and flow cell.
Specific (total) Conductivity for Feed Water. Accurate 4-electrode conductivity sensor, user-friendly transmitter and flow cell.
Colorimetric Free Chlorine Analyzer. Continuous measurement of CL2 and other disinfectants in potable, cooling, hot water loops and effluent.
Total Chlorine Analyzer AMI Codes-II TC Automatic, continuous measurement of total chlorine in potable water, sanitary water, cooling water and effluent. Call Contact Description Specification Application Options Downloads F.A.Q. Total chlorine analyzer adopting the Colorimetric process (DPD-method) for measurement and…
Combustible Gas Detector system eliminates the need for frequent response checks with ATi’s pioneering AutoTest. This transmitter performs an automatic test using self-generated gas on the sensing element every 24 hours with the world’s only self-testing AutoTest gas module for…
Detection of combustible levels of methane or other hydrocarbons % LEL. It may also be used for monitoring CO2 levels, either in ppm or percent levels. D12Ex-IR infrared gas transmitters provide analog signals for remote interface and optional relays for…
The OxyTechw² GAL Sensor has been designed to provide highly reliable Dissolved Oxygen measurements. The sensor employs the traditional galvanic principle. The rugged 100 micron, HDPE membrane has been selected to provide exceptional resistance to damage. This, combined with Oxyguard’s…
The TurbiTechw² HR Sensor has been specifically designed for use in wastewater treatment systems where high levels of suspended solids are desirable in the aeration phase. Membrane Bio Reactors (MBR) typically run with MLSS values in the region of 8,000…
The TurbiTechw² LA Sensor has been designed for use in aeration systems monitoring suspended solids also known as mixed liquor suspended solids or activated sludge where solids are typically in the range of 1,500 to 3,500 mg/l. The sensor can…
The ASLD2200 is a fully automatic sludge blanket level detector designed for the water and waste water industry. It utilises a servo-driven sensor which continually tracks the settled interface with the sensor at the very top of the interface zone.…
The SludgeWatch Ultra utilizes the industry accepted look down ultrasonic or ‘sonar’ method of detecting and tracking the interface between sludge and water in water, wastewater and industrial effluent settlement tanks and clarifiers. The cleaning wiper operates automatically to remove…
Wet H2S gas monitor is a new type of gas sensor technology that allows continuous monitoring of hydrogen sulfide in both inlet and discharge air, where condensing humidity conditions are normal. Measurements may be either at the inlet to scrubber…
ATi’s E12-15 IR Infrared High Level Ammonia Gas Detector is a rugged, reliable, microprocessor-based, intelligent gas detector. The E12-15 IR can be used to monitor from PPM levels to explosive levels of ammonia gas. The E12-15 IR is ideally suited…
A14/A11 Modular Gas Detector is a flexible component system providing a variety of options to meet individual gas detection and alarm requirements. From chemical and petrochemical plants to food processors, this economical and low maintenance system can be applied to…
Locating the source of gas leaks can be a challenge, especially in plant areas with multiple potential leak sources. Ammonia refrigeration piping, ozone generator skids, and hazardous gas piping systems are just a few of the applications where identifying exact…
B12 Wet Gas System was developed to meet the need for reliable measurements in wet scrubber outlets for other gas streams that might be saturated with water vapor. Systems have been developed for monitoring strong oxidants (chlorine, bromine, chlorine dioxide,…
ATI’s Series F12/D provides a high level of confidence that your system is functional at all times. Our Auto-Test feature provides an actual gas “bump test” every 24 hours, verifying system integrity. Not an electronic test of some kind but…
Our UniSens universal 2-wire gas transmitter handles 28 different gases, providing the most economical and flexible gas measurement system available today. Combining universal electronics, bench calibration capability, automatic sensor verification, fault detection and alarming, and superior sensor technology, UniSens is…
The high performance Coriolis mass flow meter distinguishes itself from the competition because we are able to achieve higher flow rates and mass flow measurements in larger line sizes than other mass flow meter providers. With the TMU, we have…
The EPS offers several advantages over similar models. It is designed specifically for reliability and longevity in harsh environments, comes in a wide variety of lining materials to maximize compatibility with the process media, and offers a large selection of…
WJF Instrumentation Ltd.
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Calgary, Alberta
T1Y 5Z7
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